Experian AutoCheck Report

Report run: 07/03/2024 07:38:09 EDT
This report is brought to you by:
Roseau County Ford Elite Member
406 5th Avenue Southwest Roseau, MN 56751
Number of Owners
Vehicle Usage
AutoCheck Score
Autocheck score dial
AutoCheck Score

Similar vehicles usually range between 87 and 92

Vehicle History at a Glance

State Title Brand

auction brand icon

Auction Brand / Issues


Accident / Damage

No Accidents or Damage Reported

recall check icon

Open Recall Check


Insurance Loss / Transfer


Odometer Check

Last reported odometer:
55,827 (06/26/2024)

cpo icon

Certified Pre-Owned

service repair icon

Service / Repair


Additional History

Lien Reported



由于车辆的历史显示没有报告的主要州标题品牌. Terms & Conditions
damage icon Accident & DamageBack To Top
accident-airbag-deployed-off Airbag Deployed
accident-structural-damage-off Structural Damage
accident-overturned-off Overturned
accident-severe-off No Damage
Your Vehicle Checks Out AutoCheck没有收到任何来自政府来源的事故或损害相关事件, independent agencies, or auction sources. Not all damage-related events are reported to AutoCheck. 建议在购买前让第三方对二手车进行检查.
Open Safety Recall Open Recall CheckBack To Top
More Information
Information Reported: AutoCheck found 1 open recall(s).
建议将该车送到最近的经销商处更换或修理召回的部件. 服务公告(如果可用)不是公开召回的一部分,可以在车辆历史详细信息中找到.
Recall Date
Recall Type
NHTSA / OEM Recall No.
Campaign Description
N/A / 67A
联邦排放:2013-2018 D卡车发动机校准(VB6扩展)
Status: Remedy Unknown

Recall Date - 11/30/2023

Recall Type - Emission

NHTSA / OEM Recall No. - N/A / 67A

Campaign Description - 联邦排放:2013-2018 D卡车发动机校准(VB6扩展)
Status: Remedy Unknown

Odometer Dial Odometer CheckBack To Top
Your Vehicle Checks Out
No odometer brands, rollbacks, 翻车或篡改已报告给AutoCheck从国家机动车辆管理局(DMV)或拍卖来源. AutoCheck还检查了报告的里程表读数的顺序,以确定是否有任何潜在的差异.
State Title Odometer Check

No issues reported

Auction Odometer Check

No issues reported

Odometer Calculation Check

No issues reported

Detailed Vehicle History Icon Detailed Vehicle History Back To Top
Vehicle: 2018 Ram 2500 Laramie (3C6UR5FL9JG396570) Report Run Date: 07/03/2024 07:38:09 EDT
Location: ND
Owned From: 09/2019
Usage: Personal
Event Date Location Odometer Data Source Details
09/16/2019 LANGDON, ND 55 Motor Vehicle Dept. Title(Lien Reported)
Registration Event/Renewal
07/31/2020 LANGDON, ND Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
09/26/2022 LANGDON, ND Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
06/27/2023 LANGDON, ND Motor Vehicle Dept. Registration Event/Renewal
07/12/2023 HALLOCK, MN 55,023 Dealer Listing Vehicle Listed for Sale
11/29/2023 ROSEAU, MN Dealer Listing Vehicle Listed for Sale
06/26/2024 MIDWEST REGION 55,827 Auto Auction Reported at Auto Auction

Location: ND
Owned From: 09/2019
Usage: Personal

Event Date - 09/16/2019

Location - LANGDON, ND

Odometer - 55

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Title(Lien Reported)
Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 07/31/2020

Location - LANGDON, ND

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 09/26/2022

Location - LANGDON, ND

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 06/27/2023

Location - LANGDON, ND

Data Source - Motor Vehicle Dept.

Details - Registration Event/Renewal

Event Date - 07/12/2023

Location - HALLOCK, MN

Odometer - 55,023

Data Source - Dealer Listing

Details - Vehicle Listed for Sale

Event Date - 11/29/2023

Location - ROSEAU, MN

Data Source - Dealer Listing

Details - Vehicle Listed for Sale

Event Date - 06/26/2024


Odometer - 55,827

Data Source - Auto Auction

Details - Reported at Auto Auction

This Vehicle's GlossaryBack To Top

More information is available in the full AutoCheck glossary.

Section Location
State Title Brand
Vehicle History at a Glance
“品牌名称”是由国家机构指定的官方名称,用于将特定的历史与车辆联系起来. 建立品牌系统是为了提醒潜在车主注意他们可能不知道的车辆损坏或其他变化. The brands checked in this section are Fire, Hail, Flood, Junk/Scrapped, Lemon, Salvage, Rebuilt/Rebuildable, Odometer Brands (not actual miles, broken odometer, exceeding mechanical limits, mileage discrepancy, or suspect miles). 请注意灰色市场和保险损失或盗窃品牌不在此框中勾选,可以在其他相应的框中找到.
Auction Issue
Vehicle History at a Glance
本节总结了报告的任何问题,如卖方披露的损坏情况或在检查过程中,包括要求的结构损坏披露, title brands, odometer issues, etc. as outlined by the 2023年全国汽车拍卖协会政策.
Accident/Damage Check
Vehicle History at a Glance
本节总结了可能表明事故或损坏的车辆历史事件以及相关细节,如撞击点, severity or airbag deployed if provided. 这些损坏事件将包括碰撞损坏信息, police-reported accidents, salvage auction, recycler records, crash test vehicles, collision damage claims etc. 包括十大菠菜靠谱平台的独家拍卖公告从两个主要拍卖可能包括损坏事件. 还有一个明确划定的部分,包括非碰撞损坏事件,如火灾, hail or flood. 损坏指示的标题品牌将在州标题品牌部分.
Insurance Loss/Title Transfer
Vehicle History at a Glance
Additional History
Vehicle History at a Glance
本节列出了可能不属于损坏事件或品牌的其他重大事件, 但确实让十大菠菜靠谱平台对这款车的历史有了更多的了解. 这些包括遗弃,灰色市场,留置权检查,收回,盗窃等.
Odometer Check
Vehicle History at a Glance
本节验证是否存在回滚, 翻车或篡改已报告给AutoCheck从国家机动车辆管理局(DMV)或拍卖来源. AutoCheck还检查了报告的里程表读数的顺序,以确定是否有任何潜在的差异.
Open Recall Check
Vehicle History at a Glance
Additional History
贷款/留置权是取得、持有或出售债务人的车辆作为债务担保或支付的合法权利. 通常情况下,车辆将有留置权,由于贷款或未付的维修账单对车辆. 与卖方核实,确保留置权已得到满足.
Personal Use
Owner Type
This vehicle was driven for personal use.
Open Recall
Open Recall Check
如果一辆车没有收到纠正已确定召回的所需服务,则被认为是“未召回”. 车辆将需要被送到制造商授权的维修中心,以纠正任何未公开的召回条件.

Term - State Title Brand

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - “品牌名称”是由国家机构指定的官方名称,用于将特定的历史与车辆联系起来. 建立品牌系统是为了提醒潜在车主注意他们可能不知道的车辆损坏或其他变化. The brands checked in this section are Fire, Hail, Flood, Junk/Scrapped, Lemon, Salvage, Rebuilt/Rebuildable, Odometer Brands (not actual miles, broken odometer, exceeding mechanical limits, mileage discrepancy, or suspect miles). 请注意灰色市场和保险损失或盗窃品牌不在此框中勾选,可以在其他相应的框中找到.

Term - Auction Issue

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - 本节总结了报告的任何问题,如卖方披露的损坏情况或在检查过程中,包括要求的结构损坏披露, title brands, odometer issues, etc. as outlined by the 2023年全国汽车拍卖协会政策.

Term - Accident/Damage Check

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - 本节总结了可能表明事故或损坏的车辆历史事件以及相关细节,如撞击点, severity or airbag deployed if provided. 这些损坏事件将包括碰撞损坏信息, police-reported accidents, salvage auction, recycler records, crash test vehicles, collision damage claims etc. 包括十大菠菜靠谱平台的独家拍卖公告从两个主要拍卖可能包括损坏事件. 还有一个明确划定的部分,包括非碰撞损坏事件,如火灾, hail or flood. 损坏指示的标题品牌将在州标题品牌部分.

Term - Insurance Loss/Title Transfer

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - 选中此框以查看是否存在保险全损,或者是否所有权已转移到保险公司名称,因为该事件通常在事故发生后显示时表明它是全损.

Term - Additional History

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - 本节列出了可能不属于损坏事件或品牌的其他重大事件, 但确实让十大菠菜靠谱平台对这款车的历史有了更多的了解. 这些包括遗弃,灰色市场,留置权检查,收回,盗窃等.

Term - Odometer Check

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - 本节验证是否存在回滚, 翻车或篡改已报告给AutoCheck从国家机动车辆管理局(DMV)或拍卖来源. AutoCheck还检查了报告的里程表读数的顺序,以确定是否有任何潜在的差异.

Term - Open Recall Check

Section Location - Vehicle History at a Glance

Definition - 本节列出了车辆可能需要完成的任何未完成的安全或排放召回.

Term - Loan/Lien

Section Location - Additional History

Definition - 贷款/留置权是取得、持有或出售债务人的车辆作为债务担保或支付的合法权利. 通常情况下,车辆将有留置权,由于贷款或未付的维修账单对车辆. 与卖方核实,确保留置权已得到满足.

Term - Personal Use

Section Location - Owner Type

Definition - This vehicle was driven for personal use.

Term - Open Recall

Section Location - Open Recall Check

Definition - 如果一辆车没有收到纠正已确定召回的所需服务,则被认为是“未召回”. 车辆将需要被送到制造商授权的维修中心,以纠正任何未公开的召回条件.

AutoCheck Terms and Conditions
这份报告,以及对它的任何依赖,都受到 AutoCheck Terms and Conditions. 如果您从贷方/经销商处获得报告, 贷款人/经销商已获得这些条款和条件,并可与您分享. 这些AutoCheck条款和条件也可在任何时候在www上找到.autocheck.com/terms 或写信给Experian: Experian Automotive C/O AutoCheck Customer Service 1515e. 伊利诺斯州绍姆堡伍德菲尔德路500室60173.

Buyback Protection Terms and Conditions
This vehicle (3C6UR5FL9JG396570) qualifies for AutoCheck Buyback Protection. If you obtained the report from a dealer, 条款已经提供给经销商,可以分享给你. 这些回购保障条款和条件也可随时在 www.autocheck.com/bbpterms 或写信给益百利:益百利汽车公司C/O AutoCheckCustomer Service 1515e. 伊利诺斯州绍姆堡伍德菲尔德路500室60173.

About AutoCheck
Experian Automotive的AutoCheck车辆历史报告是领先的车辆历史报告服务. With expert data handling, Experian Automotive数据库拥有超过40亿条记录,涉及5亿辆汽车. 每一个AutoCheck车辆历史报告将给你信心时购买或出售您的下一个二手车, 每一步都提供优质的客户服务.

Patent Notice
此车辆历史报告的某些方面可能由美国.S. Patent 8,005,759.